
Call For Papers


Special Issue on Plant Growth and Development 



Growth is the process by which a plant increases in the number and size of leaves and stems. The result of plant growth is forage production and the amount harvested by animal or machine is forage yield. The growth of both plants and animals requires energy.  Plants get their energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process where the green pigment in the plant's leaf (chlorophyll) absorbs energy from sunlight and, using this energy, water, and carbon dioxide, produces oxygen and simple sugars. The plant then uses these sugars to make more complex sugars and starches for storage as energy reserves, to make cellulose and hemicellulose for cell walls or with nitrogen, to make proteins. How the plant uses its energy depends on the developmental stage of the plant and on environmental conditions.

Plant development is the process of a plant changing from one growth stage to another. This could be the development of tillers on a grass plant or flower buds on a legume plant. Plant development is the major factor affecting forage quality . As plants change from vegetative to reproductive stages, forage quality decreases. When in the reproductive stage, both grasses and legumes produce.

In this special issue, we intend to invite front-line researchers and authors to submit original research and review articles on exploring Plant Growth and Development.

Authors should read over the journal’s Authors' Guidelines carefully before submission, Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Paper Submission System.

Please kindly notice that the “Special Issue’’ under your manuscript title is supposed to be specified and the research field “
Special Issue-Plant Growth and Development ” should be chosen during your submission.

According to the following timetable:

Manuscript Due  March 12th, 2013
Publication Date May, 2013


Dr. Sukumar Saha 
US Department of Agriculture, USA

For further questions or inquiries
Please contact Editorial Assistant at